A second edition of Quantum Cannibals has been released. It’s currently available in eBook from Kobo, eBook and print from Amazon, eBook and print from Barnes & Noble.

Original, intriguing, and irresistible…
Set over a large span of time: from Bronze Age Mesopotamia to a Post-Modern city-state, this debut of Nathan Elberg is a dazzling expedition into a treacherous past. Two people take birth again and again over the course of several thousand years and in each life, they want nothing but return to the home they were brutally evicted from. Elberg’s outstanding fluency when writing in various characters’ voices, who are born in different time periods is instantly absorbing, and he is brilliant when it comes to developing the mythologies of different cultures and societies. He proficiently balances time travel and magic with precise historical research, complex plot, intricate worldbuilding, and top-of-the-line characterization. Grounded in deeply felt emotions, this enthralling medley of history and fantasy is both complex and highly absorbing. Rereading will remain appealing.